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Dry Fields


Author. Teacher. Speaker.

In a world of constant noise and distractions, our souls long for quiet waters, peaceful pastures, and calm communion with our Savior. My heart is overjoyed you have come to this site where you will find devotions and Bible studies, some with accompanying teaching videos, to draw you into a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Jesus through the study of His precious Word.

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Laura is a wife and mother.  She is also a writer, teacher, speaker, and missions mobilizer.  Laura has an overwhelming passion to teach the Bible.  She graduated with a degree in Theology, with an emphasis in Christian Scriptures, from Seattle Pacific University. See BIO Testimonial for a more detailed highlight of Laura's life.

Misty Woodland


…He will comfort all her waste places…  Isaiah 51:3

Do you have any waste places? Places that are dry and desolate?  In the stillness of the hour when you are alone with your thoughts, is there a place of disappointment, confusion, or fear that plagues you?  It could be a place of strong emotion held captive by a multitude of difficult circumstances.  Or maybe deep down you see yourself as a waste place, so dry and cracked by life’s scorching heat that there is nothing that will moisten to the depth of your pain.  Beloved, you are not wasted.  Those places that have been laid waste in your life are in need of comfort.  They are in need of God’s gentle watering, His gentle mending, and His gentle tending.  Do not pray for the dryness to be instantly removed, but rather pray that it be soothed by the Comforter and transformed into a nourishing spring that will overflow into the lives of those around you. 

Open your desert up to the Savior,

Invite Him to walk with you through, hand in hand.

The path under foot may be hard yet awhile,

But your wilderness laid waste will become His Eden again!


Sanctify the Soul, 180 Days of Devotions and Poetry to Sanctify the Soul -Laura K Ford



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Isaiah 51:3

...And her wilderness He will make like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and sound of melody. 

Misty Mountains


Would you like to have Laura speak at your next event? Be sure to reach out and contact her here on this page!



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